Thursday, May 14, 2009

Stranger Than Fiction

Well, this movie was really interesting. I have decided that I don't really enjoy anything Postmodern at all. This movie was definitely of the Postmodern variety, and while I didn't dislike it, it was not my favorite (sorry Mrs. Kirk). Metafiction was a huge part of the movie, with the author narrating Harold's life story. As Harold went on with his daily routine, he never really questioned anything about his life. However, one day, he began to wonder why everything was happening. This is the "Y" of "THENDYWAMPS". Once he realizes that he is unhappy with his life, he seeks to change/improve it. Eventhough he knows that he is inevitably going to die, he makes a leap of faith and pursues a relationship with Anna, and by making this leap, he has a happier life.

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